How can I help you?

All bugs reports should go through the GitHub issues.

Please include the ArduinoJson Troubleshooter’s report your bug report.

Open a bug report

You don’t have a GitHub account? Why don’t you create one? It’s free and it only takes a minute!

Have you checked the ArduinoJson Troubleshooter?
It’s a webpage that helps you solve common issues by asking a series of question.

Do you know that the ArduinoJson Assistant writes code for you?
Please check it out.

Did you read the documentation and the examples?

Need professional assistance?
Please use our online consulting service.

Get professionnal assistance Open an issue

All feature requests and suggestions about ArduinoJson are in the GitHub issues.

Open a feature request

You don’t have a GitHub account? Why don’t you create one? It’s free and it only takes a minute!

You can contact me at: [email protected]

Send an mail

Only use this address for cases that are not covered by the other options or I won’t answer.