A new syntax

This version adds JsonVariant::operator| that specifies the value to return if the variant is undefined or incompatible. In other words, it changes the default values.

Here is an example of a program that would benefit using the new syntax:

// Variables to store the configuration
char hostname[32];
int port;

// Parse a config file
JsonObject& config = js.parseObject(configFile);

// Extract the hostname
const char* configHostname = config["hostname"];
if (configHostname != nullptr )
  strlcpy(hostname, configHostname, sizeof(hostname));
  strcpy(hostname, "example.com", sizeof(hostname));

// Extract the port
int configPort = config["port"];
if (configPort != 0)
  port = configPort;
  port = 80;

We can now write the same program like that:

// Variables to store the configuration
char hostname[32];
int port;

// Parse a config file
JsonObject& config = js.parseObject(configFile);

// Extract the hostname
strlcpy(hostname, config["hostname"] | "example.com", sizeof(hostname));

// Extract the port
port = config["port"] | 80;

A new example

ArduinoJson 5.12.0 also ships with a new example that shows how to load and save a JSON configuration file. It uses the SD library but can be easily modified for any other file-system, like SPIFFS.

How to get ArduinoJson 5.12.0?

You can download this new version from the Arduino Library Manager.

If you don’t use the Arduino IDE, you can download the single header version.

As usual, you can try the library on wandbox.org: JsonGeneratorExample and JsonParserExample.

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