
JsonDocument::garbageCollect() reclaims the memory leaked when removing and replacing values.

The monotonic allocator inside JsonDocument can efficiently allocate memory but is unable to release memory. As a consequence, when you remove a value from a JsonDocument, the memory allocated to this value remains in the memory pool. Similarly, when you replace a value, the memory attached to this value (such as a string) remains in the pool.

When you repeatedly remove or replace values in a JsonDocument, you create a memory leak that will inevitably fill the memory pool until it’s full. The function JsonDocument::garbageCollect() helps you mitigate this problem by allowing you to reclaim the leaked memory.

Internally, this function makes a complete copy of the JsonDocument, so it’s very slow and temporarily requires a lot of memory.

Every reference (JsonArray, JsonObject, or JsonVariant) acquired before calling garbageCollect() is invalidated.

Unlike shrinkToFit(), this function doesn’t reduce the capacity of the memory pool.

This function was added in ArduinoJson 6.15.0


void garbageCollect() const;


doc["msg"] = String("Hello, world!");
doc["msg"] = String("How are you!"); // original string is still in memory

Serial.println(doc.memoryUsage()); // 35
Serial.println(doc.memoryUsage()); // 21

See also