
This example shows the different ways you can use Flash strings with ArduinoJson.

Use Flash strings sparingly, because ArduinoJson duplicates them in the JsonBuffer. Prefer plain old char*, as they are more efficient in term of code size, speed, and memory usage.

Source code

// ArduinoJson -
// Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2018
// MIT License

#include <ArduinoJson.h>

void setup() {
  DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;

  // You can use a Flash String as your JSON input.
  // WARNING: the content of the Flash String will be duplicated in the
  // JsonBuffer.
  JsonObject& root =

  // You can use a Flash String to get an element of a JsonObject
  // No duplication is done.
  long time = root[F("time")];

  // You can use a Flash String to set an element of a JsonObject
  // WARNING: the content of the Flash String will be duplicated in the
  // JsonBuffer.
  root[F("time")] = time;

  // You can set a Flash String to a JsonObject or JsonArray:
  // WARNING: the content of the Flash String will be duplicated in the
  // JsonBuffer.
  root["sensor"] = F("gps");

  // It works with RawJson too:
  root["sensor"] = RawJson(F("\"gps\""));

  // You can compare the content of a JsonVariant to a Flash String
  if (root["sensor"] == F("gps")) {
    // ...

void loop() {
  // not used in this example

Classes used in this example

Functions used in this example

Keep learning

Mastering ArduinoJson

Mastering ArduinoJson begins with a quick C++ course that explains how your microcontroller stores strings in memory, so you can perfectly understand what happens behind the scenes.

The chapter “Inside ArduinoJson” explains what a JsonBuffer is and why it is essential for the performance of the library. This chapter also describes how StaticJsonBuffer and DynamicJsonBuffer work, and how to choose between them.