
This example shows the different ways you can use String with ArduinoJson.

Use String objects sparingly, because ArduinoJson duplicates them in the JsonDocument.

Source code

#include <ArduinoJson.h>

void setup() {
  DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024);

  // You can use a String as your JSON input.
  // WARNING: the string in the input  will be duplicated in the JsonDocument.
  String input =
  deserializeJson(doc, input);
  JsonObject obj =<JsonObject>();

  // You can use a String to get an element of a JsonObject
  // No duplication is done.
  long time = obj[String("time")];

  // You can use a String to set an element of a JsonObject
  // WARNING: the content of the String will be duplicated in the JsonDocument.
  obj[String("time")] = time;

  // You can get a String from a JsonObject or JsonArray:
  // No duplication is done, at least not in the JsonDocument.
  String sensor = obj["sensor"];

  // Unfortunately, the following doesn't work (issue #118):
  // sensor = obj["sensor"]; // <-  error "ambiguous overload for 'operator='"
  // As a workaround, you need to replace by:
  sensor = obj["sensor"].as<String>();

  // You can set a String to a JsonObject or JsonArray:
  // WARNING: the content of the String will be duplicated in the JsonDocument.
  obj["sensor"] = sensor;

  // It works with serialized() too:
  obj["sensor"] = serialized(sensor);

  // You can also concatenate strings
  // WARNING: the content of the String will be duplicated in the JsonDocument.
  obj[String("sen") + "sor"] = String("gp") + "s";

  // You can compare the content of a JsonObject with a String
  if (obj["sensor"] == sensor) {
    // ...

  // Lastly, you can print the resulting JSON to a String
  String output;
  serializeJson(doc, output);

void loop() {
  // not used in this example

Classes used in this example

Functions used in this example

See also

Keep learning

Mastering ArduinoJson

Mastering ArduinoJson begins with a quick C++ course that explains how your microcontroller stores strings in memory, so you can perfectly understand what happens behind the scenes.

The chapter “Inside ArduinoJson” explains what a JsonDocument is and why it is essential for the performance of the library. This chapter also describes how StaticJsonDocument and DynamicJsonDocument work, and how to choose between them.

Global warming stripes by Professor Ed Hawkins (University of Reading)