New logo
16 October 2017
- ArduinoJson 7.3: safer copy policies
- ArduinoJson 7.2: smaller arrays
- ArduinoJson 7.1: MessagePack upgrade
- ArduinoJson 7
- ArduinoJson 6.21: dropping support for C++03
- ArduinoJson 6.20: shallow copy and documentation
- The ArduinoJson Assistant is now open-source
- ArduinoJson 6.19: NUL, JsonString, and new defaults
- ArduinoJson on PEA Podcast
- Mastering ArduinoJson 6 Third Edition
- Introducing the ArduinoJson Troubleshooter
- ArduinoJson 6.18: custom converters
- The New ArduinoJson Assistant
- ArduinoJson 6.17: save up to 332 bytes of RAM!
- ArduinoJson 6.16: String Deduplication
- Paperback edition is back in store
- Mastering ArduinoJson 6 Second Edition
- ArduinoJson 6.15: Filtering done right
- ArduinoJson 6.14.0: a Service Pack
- Watch me on Maker Mind Meld Summit
- ArduinoJson vs Arduino_JSON
- ArduinoJson 6.13.0: custom reader and writer
- ArduinoJson 6.12.0: moving things around
- ArduinoJson 6.11.0: to Infinity and beyond!
- ArduinoJson 6.10.0
- ArduinoJson 6.9.0: the stable release
- ArduinoJson 6.8.0: more with less!
- Assistant for version 6 available
- Rolling back the changes from 6.6.0
- ArduinoJson finally works in the Particle IDE
- Huge changes in ArduinoJson 6.6.0
- New blog: C++ for Arduino
- Three tutorials for ESP8266 and ESP32
- New Edition of Mastering ArduinoJson
- New library: ArduinoTrace
- Bye-bye references!
- Documentation for version 6 is now available
- MessagePack serialization is available!
- ArduinoJson 5.13.2 is out!
- New video tutorial
- Mastering ArduinoJson is now available as paperback
- New revision of "Mastering ArduinoJson"
- ArduinoJson 5.13.0 is out!
- ArduinoJson 5.12.0 is out!
- The book "Mastering ArduinoJson" out!
- New logo
It was about time, but ArduinoJson finally has a logo.
Check it out!
I hope you’ll like it.