
Tests if the value at specified key has the type T.


bool is<bool>              (TString key) const;

bool is<const char*>       (TString key) const;
bool is<char*>             (TString key) const;

bool is<double>            (TString key) const;
bool is<float>             (TString key) const;

bool is<signed char>       (TString key) const;
bool is<signed int>        (TString key) const;
bool is<signed long>       (TString key) const;
bool is<signed short>      (TString key) const;
bool is<unsigned char>     (TString key) const;
bool is<unsigned int>      (TString key) const;
bool is<unsigned long>     (TString key) const;
bool is<unsigned short>    (TString key) const;
bool is<signed long long>  (TString key) const;   // <- may require ARDUINOJSON_USE_LONG_LONG
bool is<unsigned long long>(TString key) const;   // <- may require ARDUINOJSON_USE_LONG_LONG

bool is<JsonArray>         (TString key) const;
bool is<JsonObject>        (TString key) const;


key: the key of the value in the object, can be a:

  • const char*,
  • String,
  • std::string, or
  • const __FlashStringHelper*.

T: the type to test.

Return value

  • true if value at specified key matches the type T,
  • false if not


Different C++ types can store the same JSON value, so is<T>() can return true for several Ts. For example, is<float>() always returns the same value as is<double>() .

The table below gives the correspondence between the JSON type and the C++ types:

JSON type T
Floating point float, double
Integer int, short, long, long long
String const char*, char*
Boolean bool
Array JsonArray
Object JsonObject

Caution: is<float>() and is<double>() return true for integers too.


char json[] = "{\"name\":\"toto\",\"pi\":3.14}";
StaticJsonBuffer<256> jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& obj = jsonBuffer.parseObject(json);

bool nameIsString =<char*>("name"); // <- true
bool piIsFloat =<float>("pi"); // <- true

// but we could also use<T>(), like that:
nameIsString = obj["name"].is<char*>(); // <- true
piIsFloat = obj["pi"].is<float>(); // <- true

See also