
Tests if the variant is currently holding a value of type T.


bool is<bool>() const;

bool is<float>() const;
bool is<double>() const;

bool is<signed char>() const;
bool is<unsigned char>() const;
bool is<signed int>() const;
bool is<unsigned int>() const;
bool is<signed short>() const;
bool is<unsigned short>() const;
bool is<signed long>() const;
bool is<unsigned long>() const;
bool is<signed long long>() const;     // <- may require ARDUINOJSON_USE_LONG_LONG
bool is<unsigned long long>() const;   // <- may require ARDUINOJSON_USE_LONG_LONG

bool is<char*>() const;
bool is<const char*>() const;

bool is<JsonArray>() const;
bool is<JsonObject>() const;

Return value

  • true if the variant is currently holding a value of type T,
  • false if not

Remark about types

Different C++ types can store the same JSON value, so is<T>() can return true for several Ts. For example, is<float>() always returns the same value as is<double>() .

The table below gives the correspondence between the JSON type and the C++ types:

JSON type T
Floating point float, double
Integer int, short, long, long long
String const char*, char*
Boolean bool
Array JsonArray
Object JsonObject

Caution: is<float>() and is<double>() return true for integers too.

Remark about null

null is a valid value in JSON, and its type is const char* in ArduinoJson. Therefore, is<char*>() returns true if the variant contains null.

However, JsonVariant::operator| considers null as an illegal value. So, you can use it to protect against null values.


JsonVariant variant = 42;
bool i =<int>(); // <- i == true
bool d =<double>(); // <- d == false
bool s =<char*>(); // <- s == false

See also