
A collection of JsonVariant

The constructor is private; you cannot instantiate a JsonArray directly. Instead, you must use JsonBuffer::createArray().

Because the memory of a JsonArray is located a JsonBuffer, you always manipulate it through reference, and you cannot copy it.

Computing the size

The macro JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(n) returns the size of a JsonArray that contains n elements. This value only includes the size of the JsonArray; if you have nested objects or strings, you need to add their sizes as well.

You can use the ArduinoJson Assistant to generate the complete expression.


StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer;

// create an empty array
JsonArray& array1 = jsonBuffer.createArray();

// parse a JSON array
char json[] = "[1,2,3]";
JsonArray& array2 = jsonBuffer.parseArray(json);

Member functions

See also

Keep learning

Mastering ArduinoJson

The book Mastering ArduinoJson is the best material to learn how to use ArduinoJson.

Chapter 3 is a tutorial on deserialization; it explains the various ways to convert an input JSON document into a JsonArray.

Chapter 4 is a tutorial on serialization; it explains the various ways to convert a JsonArray into a JSON document.

Chapter 5 explains how JsonArray is implemented.